Using the Router
Changing Routes / Views
Once all of the setup is done how do we actually change the route to get a different component view? There are 2 different ways we can do this one that will use HTML's anchor tag, <a> and the other that will use JavaScript, both have their uses.
The Router Link is used when we want to change the route when the user clicks on link or button. In the below code when a user clicks on a link the proper component is loaded where you placed the <router-outlet></router-outlet>
Keypoint: Router Link is used when changing the view on click.
Working Stackblitz Example
Programmatic Router Navigation
We can also navigate or change the view when something happens. For example, we get a successful login response or some other function is invoked we want to change the route. We can use Router Class from angular to change the page. Maybe after 5 seconds a new page is loaded
Keypoint: We can use the Router Class to change the route.
Using the Router.navigate
Line 1: Import the router into your component. This will give you access to the methods on Router
Working Stack Blitz Example
Key Point:
Navigating inside a function is very useful for cases when you need to change the view after something happens, like say login. We we wouldn't want a user to able to move into our app before we checked their email and password.
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